New Partner: fREQUENCY / FPSHeaven
Ilias "Frequency" Bogiatzis, also known as Elias, is the founder of FPSHeaven.
FPSHeaven is a service where Elias tweaks your FPS to the max!
You will barely recognize your PC after everything it's done to it in terms of performance.
How did he get into tweaking setups and improving FPS? What does he normally do?
For what pros did he optimise their gaming rigs?
This and more we are sure to tell you in this article about him and his FPS services!
Would you tell us more about yourself?
Hey I am llias or Elias and I am 23 years old, I like messing with software quite a lot. I like to break things to see and get to know how they work.
I also used to be a Judo champion, a basketball player and most importantly, a Counter-Strike player.
I spend an unhealthy amount of time on the PC due to work, but trying to balance things out!
How long do you play CS for?
When I was 8 years old I played CS 1.6 in 2008. I used to play 1.8 with the arrow keys and I had to leave my mouse to crouch, my friends used to mock me because of it, so I switched to WASD.
I used to be very good and moderate the biggest CS community here in Greece.
I started playing CSGO in 2013.
How did you come to optimise FPS?
I used to have a dual-core PC and couldn’t play CSGO properly. So I needed to make the most out of it because I was like 12 and didn’t have the budget to upgrade. I was opening every panel I could see and I was looking for keywords such as "Performance" or "Power". The same thing I did with the brains of the system, the registry and I searched for words like "game", "power" , and similar words to tweak my setup.
I took my findings and compared them with what other people on forums like guru3d had. This was back in 2015-2016.
Now during my uni studies, I wanted to start being independent. I asked myself, what problems can I solve that other people have?
I was always good with PCs, even when I was 14, I was quite an active poster on the Greek Ubuntu(linux) forums.
After some years, I was working on my Greek community's PCs for free and I built experience on that.
It made me happy when their systems ran better, so I knew that was my first step to entrepreneurship!
I transformed my Twitter to a more professional page and started cold messaging gamers on Twitter. After a while, a friend told Launders about me and he decided to write to me.
Then it kinda went upward after that. Launders is the biggest reason that I have the company I have today!
Massive kudos to him.
Website: FPSHeaven
Q: How does GamerPay fit into all of this?
A: Elias and GamerPay are running a Cashback/Voucher partnership.
If you buy the Basic package you get 10€
for the Standard package you get 15€
and for the Premium package, you get 30€ on
your GamerPay wallet!
This offer is for all users!
Never mind if you are new to GamerPay, already have an account, or have not even signed up yet.
Then you just quickly make an account and Elias will tell us what FPS service you got so you can get your balance.
Is CS2 different from optimising in CSGO?
My Business is doing better, but optimising is the same.
It is like 95% the same thing, just a different game.
You just have to push your GPU and CPU a bit higher than CS:GO. The rest is nearly identical.
For what pros did you tweak their Setup?
Face clan (except brokie)
On the website of FPSHeaven, you can also read up on its reviews.
It got quite a few notable ones by legends like Olofmeister, Xyp9x, Launders, NadeKing, James Banks and Don Haci (a big name in the CS Twitter/X community).
What is your favourite thing about your work?
I don’t have a favourite, what I like about is that at the end the customers are really happy.
They see the value in your work!
Elias also has a charity. You can donate any amount to a charity over on FPSHeaven Charity Work, then show proof on Twitter or X and you will get a 15-minute session where he helps with your CS2 / PC issues for free!

How long does the optimisation take?
Normally around an hour to 45 minutes.
I had a session that lasted 2-3 days because of hardware failure, but I’m always there from beginning to end!
What do you like about GamerPay?
It is so fast and easy to sell. Sometimes I even forget to deliver haha.
I like the 3D viewer so you can see the items in the browser.
Thank you for reading our article. We hope you enjoyed learning more about Elias and what he does!
And do not forget, if you use the FPS services of FPSHeaven you get (depending on the package you bought) some wallet balance on GamerPay as a sort of Cashback.
So there is no reason to not use it. It will help you in your gaming experience.
A big thank you to Illias who let us question him!
Be sure to hire him if you experience low FPS or low Performance with your gaming rigs.
Support Illias and FPSHeaven:
Illias FPS service FPSHeaven
Illias Charity FPSHeaven Charity
Illias Twitter/X fREQUENCYCS