10th anniversary Dragon Lore!
The AWP | Dragon Lore is one of the most famous, expensive and sought-after weapon skin in Counter-Strike and has lost none of its status in its 10 years.
Celebrate its incredible success story together with GamerPay!
In this article we talk about:
The Relase
Dragon Lore Stickers
Other Facts
The release
“200 keys could never unlock its secrets”
The "Dragon Lore" was released as part of the "Operation Breakout" update for "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" which was released on 1 July 2014. The Skin was the Red Skin from the Cobblestone Collection including 15 other weaponskins.
The design of the AWP | Dragon Lore is characterised by a detailed, golden yellow, red dragon motif that covers the entire body of the weapon. The background of the skin is a tinted olive green, giving the impression that the weapon is a relic from times long past. Additional accents such as Celtic knots and runes reinforce the archaic theme.
The Dragon Lore motif has embellished the Cooblestone Map since October 2014. The change was added a few months after the release with an update of the map.
The No. 1 float of the DLore is currently 0.00001337420690, while the highest is 0.69782805442810. The artwork is scratched, while the dragon (especially the head) is still very recognisable in BS. We show some examples for the conditions in the DLore:
Lowest Float: 0.00001337420690
e.g. Minimal Wear 0.1350490748882291
e.g. Field Tested 0.3007315993309021
Highest Float: 0.69782805442810.
The lowest flot for a souvenir is 0.01451529096812 FN (community banned), while the highest DLore souvenir is 0.63061857223511 BS.
Sticker crafts
As the most iconic skin, there are of course an infinite number of different sticker crafts that cannot all be shown here. However, we have picked out a selection of interesting stickercrafts that we would like to present to you now.
Dlore Souvenir with Four Titan (Holo) | Katowice 2014
This craft is currently one of the most expensive on the market.

Screenshots: Souvenir AWP Dragon Lore 0.01451529096812 FN
DLore with Four iBUYPOWER (Holo) | Katowice 2014

Screenshot: AWP Dragon Lore, 0.00003238147110 FN
DLore with Four Team Dignitas (Holo) | Katowice 2014

Screenshot: AWP Dragon Lore, 0.00019310413336 FN
DLore with Five Vox Eminor (Holo) | Katowice 2015

Screenshots: AWP Dragon Lore, 0.00103134149686 FN
DLore with Five mousesports (Holo) | Katowice 2014
AWP Dragon Lore 0.00079446559539 FN 856
Dragon Lore Stickers
Over time, the legendary motif of Dragon Lore has also found its way into the world of stickers. There are currently six regular stickers inspired by Dragon Lore. Sorted by release date, these are the following:
Sticker | Dragon Lore (Foil) was added to the game on 18/10/2019. It is often seen as Stickercraft together with the AWP Dragon Lore. It can be found in the CS20 Sticker Capsule. If you want to buy it, you pay around €8.
Sticker | Dragon Lore Surf Ava (Foil) which shows a surfer with the motif of the DLore recognisable on the lower side of the surfboard. The sticker was added on 22/09/2021 and costs about €4.
The next four stickers were all released as part of the 10 years Birthday Sticker Caspsule on 16/08/2022.
Sticker | Showdown (Foil) shows the two most popular motifs in CS. The battle between Howl and Dragon Lore. You can buy the sticker for just under €4.
Sticker | Baby Lore of course, the Dlore is also represented among the "Baby" stickers. So if you like it cute, you can get this one for €0.20.
Sticker | Dragon Tale speaking of sweet, for less than €0.10 you can give your skin that extra dose of Dragon love.
Sticker | Dragon's Keep is in the same price range as the previous one and a nice tribute to the DLore Cobblestone connection.

Screenshots: Stickers in the above order
Other Facts
The finish for the Dragon Lore was created by Brian “Chippy” Dugan.
The "Skadoodlelore" has set a milestone in CS Skins history as it was sold for $61,000 after Could9's win at the 2018 PGL Boston Major.
3. The DLore can be found in a "children's version" on the Overpass Map, which was recently removed from the rotation.
Screenshot: Overpass Map, Playground
4. This is what the DLore for colour blind people looks like:
The Dragon Lore will probably always remain the CS skin itself. We look forward to at least another 10 years with it and are excited to see what new stickercrafts are in store for us.
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