CS2 Weapon Charms guide
Screenshot: M4A1-S I Fade with the new weapon charms!
A new introduction to the world of Counter-Strike has been the weapon charms with the Armory Update in early October 2024.
There are quite a few weapon charms, or “gun buddies” in the game now, it is time for us to look at them!
In this article, we review every detail of the weapon charm, showcase all the CS2 weapon charm patterns, teach you how and where to apply them, and we also go over how to remove them from your guns.
From looks to usage to removing them again- let us take a look at Counter-Strike 2’s newest addition!
Weapon Charms
The Armory update brought many changes to Counter-Strike. One of the newest (and maybe even most anticipated) was the introduction of the “Weapon charms.”
The “Small Arms Charms” collection features a wide inventory of gun models in a cartoonish oversized or “chubby” variant. Gun models and knives are featured in this collection, all with “different” patterns, but later more on that.
The” Missing Link Charms” on the other hand do not feature weapons, but famous and popular Counter-Strike Agent skins and even some iconic places/skins from the history of CS! Such as the “Monster” from Overpass or the “Wolf” from the iconic M4A4 | Howl. All of these charms are in the form of a “Sausage” or “Hot Dog”, commonly referred to as “Glizzy”.

Now as to where to apply the weapon charms?
Weapon charms can go almost anywhere on a gun skin. There are a few exceptions to this rule of thumb, as the charm can not be obstructed by a “thumb”. Excuse our bad attempt at a joke.
The weapon charm can go anywhere, where it is not colliding or inside the player’s hands/arms.
This rules the grip or places where your hands are mostly off-limits.

But fear not!
There are a lot of very cool positions where you can hang your little buddy.
Here are a few cool examples of where to put your weapon charm.
At the front under the barrel is quite a nice spot, and you only see it when you inspect, so it does not obstruct your gameplay or steal away your focus while clutching.
Placing your weapon charm
As stated earlier, you can apply them to any and every gun, and on almost every position.
You can put them on scopes, or barrels, anything that has a space is most often good to go!
You may only apply ONE weapon charm to a weapon. There can not be multiple charms on a single weapon.
There are many presets for these “weapon charm” positions that differ vastly from gun to gun. We have counted 17+ on the AWP, and around 20+ on the AK-47. However, this number also varies from the size and the layout of the charm! Some charms are more prone to obstructing the player model and thus affect their positioning and presets.
Here are a few more of the “preset” locations to highlight this fact. Sometimes the preset position is just slightly shifted to another preset location, it is very unlike the set “sticker preset positions” that we know and love.

Attatching and removing a weapon charm
After you have found a spot that you like, applying the weapon charm (or “gun buddy” as some people call them), is as easy as just clicking a button. The whole procedure is similar to the likes of placing a sticker on your weapon.
Here is an example from our article writer Thorben:
As you can see, the "CS2 Charm | Baby's AK" is lining up with the hand of the girl on the new Overpass 2024 collection skin "AWP | Crakow!".
Applying the CS2 weapon charm
After confirming the whole ordeal, this is what you see after attatching the charm to a weapon.
Here is a quick and snappy look of the weapon charm and the AWP in inspect.

The different patterns of weapon charm in CS2
Something that the community was quite quick to point out is the fact, that the weapon charms (just like gun skins) have different patterns! Some of them are only a slight change in appearance, but some change the whole look or colour of the gun.
The first picture is the “preview” from the charm collection, while the second one is an pattern based unboxed weapon charm.

Charms appear to have vast differences in their looks. They seem to have a lot of patterns, some can vary slightly in looks while some charms completely change their colour.
Here is an example video, which @Oskarr1239 kindly allowed us to use and provided on Twitter/X:
Removing the charm
Charms are not “one-time use” items such as stickers. If you put stickers on the gun they stay there till you “scrap” them off and remove them entirely. But with charms, it is a different scenario.
If you get a weapon charm from the Armory pass you are also gifted three “Charm Detachment” packs.
These packs can be used to remove the charm from guns and place them somewhere else or on different guns entirely. These “Charm Detachment” items are a one-time use- meaning after you remove a charm you will lose one of your charges for this new tool.
We hope you have learned about your new “gun buddies” or “weapon charms”. Lots of video games have had them before Counter-Strike 2, but in a true Valve fashion, it is quite an innovation to place EVERYTHING (previously Stickers, now Charms) to your heart’s content. You choose where they go, while most games only have one fixed position for their weapon charms.
Right now we can only wonder how charms will be used in the future if we see CS2 Major charms, and if charms will give overpay. Time will tell.
Thank you for reading our article about the CS2 weapon charms! There is a lot to discover and we are happy that we could enlighten you a bit on this new topic.
Check out GamerPay on the 10th of October, we might already have some of the new charms for you!