Glock-18 Holo Crafts
The Glock-18 is a T-starter weapon and your faithful companion in many rounds.
In the course of time many good playskins for the Glock18 have been released. We want to show you a few ways to give your skin a personal touch with Holo-Crafts.
We have selected seven Glock skins that we would like to introduce to you. The cost of a sticker is no more than €10 and the skins have been selected so that you can personalise them with a low to medium budget.
Glock-18 | Bullet Queen and
Sticker | Vitality (Holo) | Paris 2021
The Glock-18 | Bullet Queen looks particularly good with its artwork and holostickers. Especially since the sticker at the top has a completely black background while the other stickers stand out well from the orange background in certain light spectra.
The Sticker | Vitality (Holo) | Paris 2021 have a similar basic tone without the sticker being visually swallowed up. Incidentally, the Stickers | Vitality (Holo) | Stockholm 2021 also look pretty good on this skin.

Screenshot: Glock-18 | Bullet Queen and five Sticker | Vitality (Holo) | Paris 2021 with Driver Gloves | Overtake
The Bullet Queen will cost you around €30 in FN (around €120 in ST FN). The artwork gets scratched with worsening condition, but many MW are hardly distinguishable from a FN and cost you just 1/3. You can get the stickers for €0.45. So you can easily copy this craft for €11.50.
Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler Phase 1 and Sticker | Entropiq (Holo) | Stockholm 2021
The Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler Phase 1 has quite a range of appearances due to its different phases and patterns. Here you can see a phase 1 pattern that distributes the colour change across the pattern so that each sticker has a slightly different background.
The Sticker | Entropiq (Holo) | Stockholm 2021 match this colour spectrum quite well and give the Glock that extra touch of colour.

Screenshot: Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler Phase 1 and Sticker | Entropiq (Holo) | Stockholm 2021 with Hand Wraps | Overprint
From €4.50 one of these pretty stickers is yours. You'll have to pay a little more for the pistol, although the price of course depends on your preference for the pattern (#1 in the screenshot). An FN will cost you around €50. If you want to save some money, you can safely get a Gamma Doppler in poorer condition, as it hardly loses any of its beauty. However, the price only drops a little (FT approx. 37).
At €73, this craft is the most expensive one shown here.
Glock-18 | Nuclear Garden and Sticker | Imperial Esports (Holo) | Antwerp 2022
Our next craft is significantly cheaper but no worse looking. The Glock-18 | Nuclear Garden is characterised by its really bright green colour on which many stickers look really good.
The Sticker | Imperial Esports (Holo) | Antwerp 2022 stickers match this pop-out effect quite well and give it the finishing touch

Screenshot: Glock-18 | Nuclear Garden and Sticker | Imperial Esports (Holo) | Antwerp 2022 with Specialist Gloves | Emerald Web
In FN you pay just under €5 for the Glock and in MW €3.32. The artwork scratches easily, so a good float is worthwhile, but not essential. The Imperial Esports Holo also costs around €5, so together you end up with €30 for the whole craft. If this is a little too expensive for you, you can also use the Imperial Esports (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024, which is available for less than €1 per sticker.
Glock-18 | Vogue and Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo)
If you like crafts that are based on the motif of the artwork, this is the one for you. In general, the Glock-18 | Vogue eyes can be used to create quite a few interesting crafts.
The great thing about the Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) is that the artwork is still completely recognisable underneath and the colours simply match perfectly.

Screenshots: Glock-18 | Vogue and Sticker | Battle Scarred (Holo) with Specialist Gloves | Fade
The BS Holo is just within budget at €9.99, but we only need two of them for this craft. The Glock is available in FN from €6 and also looks perfect in MW (€4.26). In FT (€2) the trigger scratches a little. Overall, this craft is therefore possible for €26.
Glock-18 | Franklin and
Sticker | Sharks Esports (Holo) | Stockholm 2021
The next craft is meant more as fun. But it doesn't look bad at all. The combination of “money” artwork from the Glock-18 | Franklin with “shark” Sticker | Sharks Esports (Holo) | Stockholm 2021 should not be missed in the Counter-Strike scene!

Screenshots: Glock-18 | Franklin and Sticker | Sharks Esports (Holo) | Stockholm 2021 with Hand Wraps | Duct Tape
The Franklin costs less than €1 in FN and the Stricker €1.85. So for €10.25 you can get yourself a pretty funny skin.
Glock-18 | Snack Attack and Sticker | Fnatic (Holo) | Paris 2023
The Glock-18 | Snack Attack is already quite an eye-catcher due to its presentation. The Sticker | Fnatic (Holo) | Paris 2023 therefore tend to fade into the background, but in good light they give it a little something extra.

Screenshots: Glock-18 | Snack Attack and Sticker | Fnatic (Holo) | Paris 2023 with Hand Wraps | CAUTION!
The craft costs in total €20,75 €1.35 of this is per sticker and €14 for an FN. But you can also safely choose a worse condition, as the artwork will only be slightly darker. The Craft is also possible for under €9.
Glock-18 | Neo-Noir and Sticker | v$m (Holo) | Paris 2023
Lastly, we would like to introduce the Glock-18 | Neo-Noir Craft. This has a particularly beautiful range in different lights, as a different colour of Neo Noir dominates depending on the light from the Sticker | v$m (Holo) | Paris 2023 .

Screenshot: Glock-18 | Neo-Noir and Sticker | v$m (Holo) | Paris 2023 with Sport Gloves | Pandora's Box
The v$m is usually available for €5,70. While the Neo-Noir sells for around €42 in FN. Since the artwork is scratched, a low float should be chosen. Overall, this craft is with €70,20 the second most expensive of this aricle.
As you can see, you can make some pretty cool holocrafts on a middle budget.
These are just a few examples to encourage you to create your own custom crafts.
If you're looking for skins and stickers, visit GamerPay!