Historical background of CS2 skins #2!
Welcome to another class session. Today we will take a look at some more historical Counter-Strike 2 skins.
Prepare yourself to learn stuff, you wouldn’t have thought you would need to know— time to learn something new.
In this edition, we will look at some unique stuff together.
In today’s class, we feature skins from the 15th to the 16th century up to the 1970s!
Be prepared to learn more about skins. You will learn something new about your favourite game in this article.
M4A1-S | Flashback & USP-S | Flashback
Like the famous M1 helmet during the Vietnam War era (especially during the 60s–75), these guns bear “graffiti”. This was not normally seen in armies, as they wanted uniformity and discipline.
But the Vietnam War was a different war! Here is the USP-S, as an example of this graffiti.
The name itself, “Flashback” refers to the Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), that the Vietnam War caused a huge part of the soldiers. The war in Vietnam and its resulting PTSD was inflicted on a huge number of the soldiers involved when they came back home.
It was a brutal war against an often invisible enemy.

Did you know, that the flavor text of the M4A1-S Flashback is a reference to the movie „Full Metal Jacket“ and the character “Joker”? The peace symbol refers to his iconic „duality of man“ scene.
Flavor Text: For the joker in all of us
R8 Revolver | Llama Cannon
This is a fine revolver for a king. More specifically, for the King of Rock!
The Llama Cannon looks quite similar in style and aesthetic of Elvis Revolver.
Elvis Presley had an engraved, inlaid, and carved “Smith & Wesson Model 19-2 double-action revolver”.
Elvis, next to loving women who looked, walked, and talked like an angel (But were the Devil in disguise)*,
was a big fan of unique guns, he loved engraved and carved special variants.

The grip and the golden Llama make it quite obvious where this skin got its inspiration.
It is a lovely piece of “Rock history”, but history nonetheless!
Prepare for the Jailhouse Rock!
Desert Eagle | Sputnik
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is the Sputnik satellite!
Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, marking the beginning of the space age and the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the “Cold War”.
As the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 1 orbited the planet at a speed of approximately 18,000 miles per hour. The satellite itself was a metal sphere with four external radio antennas which transmitted radio pulses back to Earth, which scientists and amateur radio operators worldwide monitored.

The launch of the Sputnik is a historic event that also intensified Cold War tensions and spurred advancements in science and technology. It is seen as the “official” start of the “Space Race”.
"Sputnik" means "companion" or "satellite" in Russian, symbolising its journey around the Earth. The mission's success ushered in new technological advancements and inspired generations to look towards the stars. Here visible on Pattern ID: 1.
MAG-7 | Cinquedea
Cinquedea is an Italian dagger from the late 15th and early 16th centuries.
The name means "five fingers" and refers to the broad blade, which is about five fingers wide at its base. Originally from northern Italy, the Cinquedea was popular both as a weapon and as a status symbol. It was often carried by nobles and wealthy citizens. The blade is typically flat and wide, making it ideal for thrusting and slashing movements.
Decorations and engravings on the blade and handle are characteristic features that reflect the craftsmanship of the time- just like you can see on this beautiful Counter-Strike 2 skin.

The decorative elements on the Cinquedia are quite stunning. It has been painted with patterned glass panels, which look like jewels crafted masterfully on this skin.
On the grip, we can see “MAG VII” written, which means “MAG 7” in Roman numerals.
This is a reference to the gun this skin is on in the first place.
We hope you enjoyed our class session today and that you learned something new.
The history of the world is rich, and there is always more to learn and know.
Have fun bragging at the dinner table with some of the obscure facts you learned in this article today.
Due to the low popularity of this series, this will most likely end up being the last article about the historical background of CS2 skins. We still thank you for reading and hope that the few people who looked forward to them appreciate them as much as we do. Do not forget to read our Loadout articles to find more that might interest you.
*I have to admit: “Devil in Disguise” and “Hound Dog” are some of his best songs in my opinion.