CS2 Update: The Real MVP
CS2 dropped a big update today. “The Real MVP” does not only change the way the MVP at the end of the game looks, but we also got a handful of new maps in Counter-Strike 2.
Be it competitive, wingman or even an old friend in Arms Race.
In this article we go over the most recent changes to Counter-Strike 2, take a look at all of the new maps that got added to the game, talk a bit about them and their setting- and most importantly, show you some pictures so you can make an own view on these maps.
Read this article about the new maps and the changes to the new MVP banner!
Competitive Maps
Competitive maps are the ones that we spend the most time with in our time playing Counter-Strike. Not yet in the Premier map rotation, but still pretty useful. Competitive Matchmaking and the map-based skill groups have gotten an overhaul! Everyone lost their Matchmaking rank and is unranked on every map right now.
Valve decided to “redistribute players across the Skill Groups” and they have also “made it easier to earn those badges in the first place”. This could refer to Thera and Mills only needing 2 (!) Competitive wins to display a rank on the map, unlike the previouse 10 needed for a Competitive Matchmaking rank.
Thera is inspired by one of the many Greek islands. The blue roofs are the ones most often associated with the famous island of Santorini. The main island is called “Thira” in Greek (from the old greek Θήρα - Thera). This map is not only beautiful but a big vacation place in real life.

The inspiration from Mills is the Netherlands. The Windmill is quite similar (especially with all the flowers around it) as the Keukenhof Windmill. On Mills we have a lot of brick houses, canals and close quarters. This is quite fitting with the natural conditions of the Netherlands.

Wingman maps
Wingman has finally seen some love! We are very excited to play these maps with our friends all day long.
It has been a while since we saw Wingman-exclusive maps in Counter-Strike.
Sunny Italy: Memento has to be one of the most beautiful maps that Valve ever graced us with. A lovely Italian town, with some apartments, old buildings, an old tower and a wedding!
As a matter of fact, we love this map so much that it will get its very own article!

“Well, I left Kentucky back in '49, an' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly line”.
This map is for aviation enthusiasts. Fight in and around an aeroplane that is under construction. There are a lot of whiteboards and diagrams on this map, but the main feature is the big plane where most of the action happens.

Arms Race
Not a lot of people give Arms Race love these days. This used to be a bigger game mode, with new maps that you could test out before you go into Matchmaking. It got some of its role back, having now another (and beloved one at that) exclusive map with Pool Day!
Pool day
An old stable in the CS community is Pool day. This is quite an old map with a lot of rich history. Pool day was part of Counter-Strike, and it was remade for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. We could not be happier, that this iconic map finally joins the ranks in Counter-Strike 2.

Now every MVP stat at the end of the game has its own unique animation. If you get a double kill and MVP, if you plant/defuse the Bomb and get the MVP and even if you get an ACE and receive your reward as Most Valuable Player! The MVP banner at the end of the round has finally been upgraded, and this in a quite significant way.
Thank you for reading this quick overview of the new update and maps. We are excited to have some new content to throw ourselves at finally. Particularly fond are we of “Memento”, that we will further investigate.
We hope you like some of the new maps- and that we all finally have that rank we deserve in Matchmaking!