CS2 Cat Skins
Throughout history, cats have been revered as symbols of grace, mystery, and companionship. From their sacred status in ancient Egyptian culture to their modern-day reign as the world’s most popular pets, cats have captivated human hearts like no other animal.
Thanks to the new Wingman map, Palais, these wonderful furry friends finally have their own references in CS2. On this occasion, we’re excited to introduce you to cat-themed skins.
P90 | Death by Kitty
The P90 | Death by Kitty is a P90 skin in the medium price segment (MW €37) which is only available in MW and FT (also ST MW and ST FT). The artwork convinces with a nice contrast of bright colours to the depicted cat skulls with different patterns.

PP-Bizon | Space Cat
A rather cute and a little crazy skin is the PP-Bizon | Space Cat, whose artwork is a little reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. (FN approx €1)

AK-47 | Bloodsport
Bloodsports skins are available for various weapons, with the AK-47 | Bloodsport (FN €130) enjoying great popularity. The stylised cat's face is visible on every skin, even if it is rather hidden.
It also exists for:
SCAR-20 | Bloodsport (FN €9)
MP7 | Bloodsport (FN €3)

The AWP | PAW artwork consists of many different cats and dogs drawn in comic style, while the tio patterns are charakterised by the golden Maneki-Neko (招き猫, lit. 'beckoning cat') from Japan. The skin is available in ST, but even here the price does not usually rise above €20 (even with Top Pattern). The skin is therefore quite affordable!
If you want to find out more about the different patterns, read our AWP PAW Pattern Guide.

Charms | Lil' Sandy and Lil' Whiskers
The new charms are also available in cat form. Once Lil' Sandy, and Lil' Whiskers They currently vary between €2-€4. The colour of the swimming costume differs for the female version. Lil' Whiskers comes in different colours from light brown to green and blue to purple/pink.The pictures below are examples of the different colours of the charms.
Lil' Sandy
In addition to the skins just mentioned, CS also has a lot to offer in the way of slightly larger cat species.
If you love velvet paws as much as we do, find your matching cat skin at GamerPay.gg.